Category Archives: Advertising

Storytelling: more than telling tales

We all have competitors. And let’s face it, they’re probably offering very similar quality, products and services to you. So what’s your brand differentiator? How do you get your brand and products to lead the way like the Pied Piper? Well, therein lies the clue. With storytelling. Using storytelling puts you one, two or maybe …

Our Puppy Porridge for MeadowLea Spreads

We’ve been pouring heart and energy into this project for the past few months and thought you would like the opportunity to see the process. MeadowLea Spreads have used this work to help launch their new products into supermarkets across Australia. Let’s start with the final images – they’ll set the scene for you…

When less is more. 3 tips to bite-size copy.

Original image source – tumbler Remember the days when advertising looked like this? You probably don’t as most people reading our blogs aren’t of that vintage, but I’m sure you’ve seen references, right? There was a time that the good folk trying to gain weight would actually stop to read every word of this ad.

The advert and the chuckle

The evolution of the display ad finds us at a time in history where almost anything goes and humour takes centre stage. Sure, being integral to your brand voice is paramount, but a campaign ad looking to uncover the golden chalice of cut-through can afford a bit of wriggle-room and ask the audience to, at …

Need help with a project? Let’s talk!