Creating visually interesting creative pieces is easy if you’re working with the right team, but do you measure if your collateral is working to achieve your business goals?

Here are some ideas to measure audience response to your creative activities. Don’t forget that the key to successful data gathering is interpreting the data, so take some time to analyse, synthesize and improve for next time!

We won’t go into exhaustive detail – consider this list a friendly refresher of ways to measure the effects of your creative collateral:

eDM’s and Digital Newsletters

Find your analytics reports and read ‘em. It’s that easy! Export them 5-10 days after sending your eDM and pay close attention to your open rates, click through, shares, unsubscribe and subscribe rates. If you’re using a program like Mail Chimp, most of this work is done for you!

Trade Presenters

Custom phone numbers, urls and offer codes work well here. Look at phone call data, Google analytics for the custom URL and get the sales team to record enquiries using the offer code. Hey presto, you’re tracking the efficacy of a trade presenter!

Recipe Cards and Booklets

Use similar measurements to tracking trade presenters but also consider integrating a QR code or URL directing the viewer to a digital version of the recipe. Track URL page views and social media referrals as visitors might pin the digital version on Pinterest or share it on Facebook. To really give your recipes legs, upload them onto your website and share the recipes on social media – including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Magazine Ads

Print ads have to be one of the more challenging creative pieces to measure, but besides looking at readership rates (which don’t tell you much) a good start is trying to bridge the print format with a digital element that can be tracked. Consider a unique URL tied to the content of the ad (eg and track direct traffic to the page on your website via Google Analytics.

This couldn’t be a post about metrics without adressing a few traps to avoid. When setting up your measurements and reporting on them, beware of the following:

Vanity metrics – data that makes you look good in a monthly report, but doesn’t actually mean anything. Facebook likes is an excellent example of this.

Activity metrics – be aware of activity versus efficiency. Lots of hits to a website from a recipe card doesn’t actually mean the recipe is being cooked or your product is being used.

Quantity not quality – it’s wonderful to have high page views or open rates, but isn’t it more important that the right people are looking at your creative comms?